"The One is the Invisible Spirit. We should not think of it as a god or like a god. For it is greater than a god, because it has nothing over it and no lord above it. It does not exist within anything inferior to it, since everything exists within it, for it established itself. It is eternal, since it does not need anything. For it is absolutely complete. It has never lacked anything in order to be completed by it. Rather, it is always complete in light."
"The One is the immeasurable light, pure, holy, immaculate. It is unutterable, and is perfect in incorruptibility. Not that it is just perfection, or blessedness, or divinity: it is much greater.
"The One is not corporeal and it is not incorporeal.
The One is not large and it is not small.
It is impossible to say,
How much is it?
What kind is it?
For no one can understand it."
"Three powers came forth from the Great Invisible Spirit: the Father, the Mother, and the Child."
"I am with you always. I am the father, I am the mother, I am the child. I am the incorruptible and the undefiled one. Now I have come to teach you what is, what was, and what is to come, that you may understand what is invisible and what is visible; and to teach you about the unshakable race of perfect humankind." (Jesus Christ in texts)
"Your souls come from above, from an indestructible light. Therefore the archons cannot approach them, because the spirit of truth dwells in them. And you who have their gnosis of this way live without death among dying people."
- Hypostasis of the Archons
"Christ (Divine Autogenes) is a spark of infinite divine light. From that light emerge four lights bearing specific names: a set of beings who appear with surprising frequency in Gnostic accounts of the origin of the world. They seem to have the role of angels and to be individual beings rather than specific characteristics of the divine mind as the other revealed beings were."
- Stevan Davies
"Now Sophia, who is the wisdom of insight and who constitutes an eternal realm, conceived of a thought from herself, with the conception of the invisible spirit and foreknowledge. She wanted to bring forth something like herself, without the consent of the spirit, who had not given approval, without her partner and without his consideration."
"Something came out of her that was imperfect and different in appearance from her, for she had produced it without her partner. It did not resemble its mother, and was misshapen."
- The Secret Book of John
"This gloomy ruler has three names: the first name is Yaldabaoth (or 'child of chaos'), the second is Sakla (or 'fool'), the third is Samael (or 'blind god')."
- The Secret Book of John
"Perhaps you are one of those remarkable people who experience an overpowering realization of the divinity of existence. You suddenly know that everything is divine and that within you lies an ocean of God. Will you know this all of the time and every day? No. You will crest and fall and submerge again into the mundane. The realization of divinity as the be-all and end-all, as the substance of your very self--that within which you live and move and have your being--does not dominate every day, although you wish it would. The ordinary world of aches and pains and approaching death, of trouble, temptation, sin, stress, and loss seems to rule almost all the time. And yet, sometimes you can seize what you seek and see glory everywhere and know yourself to be divine."
- Stevan Davies
"In spite of all the evil, error, and ignorance in this world, people may still come to salvation through insight and awaken to creative thought. It is this human -and divine- capacity for thought that allows human beings to realize the wholeness of enlightened life and to embrace the knowledge and wisdom of God."
- Marvin Meyer
"This relationship is what changes us, they thought. It transforms us, they argued, and transfigures us. The God-Self relationship -Gnosis- was an experience of transcendence, moving us from a state of separation, from the sinful mortal condition, to an eternal spiritual body and life united with God."
- April D. DeConick
torstai 10. joulukuuta 2009
perjantai 17. huhtikuuta 2009

Symbology of the Archons in Gnosticism. In Picture Jaldabaoth, the main Archon, caller too Sakla and Samael, or blind and crazy. The eight stands for eternity. Black sun illumination on the dark side, and interdimentionality. Lions head beastly nature, so as snake’s body. This picture represents evil.
Everything is a lie in that picture. The sun is darkness. And the providence leads astray, is deceptive and lies. The lion is of cowardness and hate. The snake is not wisdom but madness. The black is not black, but false light. Eight does not stand for eternity but, mortality. This is the true face of black illumination.
Men do not need illumination, they ... they need perception, eyes to see. We are blinded by Archons, who whisper sweet lies to our ears.
We mortal humans, who fear and mourn death, are eternal. The "grays", Archons, which are eternal, are mortal. They mock higher heavens, mock the heavenly father. Distort the truth with redeemer complexes. Are the enemies of the soul, which they don´t posess.
Archons are distorted semi-souls, which are a lower form of spiritual existence to man. They came before man came, and are interdimentional, which is the true nature of man too. Interdimentionality means being outside the space-time continuum. We falsely think there is only this reality. Archons made us to believe, that humans are animals, without eternal soul.
We the humans are divine, and come from the true and only God, our heavenly father. The Archons have distorted us with their rule called culture. Soon the time will come, when the Archons will be destroyed. Soon shall we see how the things really were in the world.
False paradigms and lies are the way, which we have been governed through the times. Thinking people or things good or bad, black or white, happy and unhappy, and so dividing the truth. All the ideas of this, and our religions, ideologies, ways of thinking, politics and much more are used to rule us. To bind us to invisible mental slavery, which is inside our unconsciousness’. Binding us to slavery.
All you are taught true is not. All is a lie, but unconditional love and the truth.
I have met “gray aliens” and confronted them. I have seen the way they think and feel. I am afraid they are not good, but evil. They think they have the power to rule us. They hate and despise human soul. They desperately want to change us to mechanical slaves. To bind us to their perverse, Archontic dreams.
We are ruled by secrecy, unknown of our slavery. We have lost the divinity, but only for a moment. We escaped to material lies and temptations of the Archons´. But there will be no judgment of men, only the Archons.
This is the Gnostic way to comprehend “gray aliens”. And the alien agenda, which is tied to military-industrial complex at its hips. And to modern day satanism.
sunnuntai 1. maaliskuuta 2009

Alien agenda is human culture, human soul is not
Personally, I was not especially interested on UFOs before my abduction experience. I have always considered myself a skeptic. The X-files was my favorite TV-show in the 90's. I was inspired by this, even bought UFO related books for a dozen copies. They told me of a phenomenon difficult to approach. Some of the stories seemed very credible, referring to the fact that the abnormal things had indeed happened.
Reportedly my first abduction occurred 3th of November 2001 in Helsinki cable factory at URSA (astronomic society) seasonal gala. Admittedly, at the incident I did not remember much about. In fact, for years I didn´t remember anything about it. Only in January 2004 I recollected aspects of an encounter with the space aliens. Naturally, I did panic what I did remember, and wanted to find explanations.
I did take a look at the abduction phenomenon from written sources, where it was described, as a rule, to be both special and weird. I read about a case where the target was abducted from the airport in the middle of the masses. In addition, the abduction phenomenon seemed to relate to altered states of consciousness, strange experiences, and parapsychlogical phenomena. In abduction people produced, as a general rule, mental health problems. In most cases, this could be described as PTSD, Post-traumatic stress syndrome.
In February 2004, I experienced a full Abduction, which I could remember pretty much as a whole.
In understanding my abduction invaluable value proved to be on Dr. Karla Turner's writings of the phenomenon. I noticed that my experience was a MILAB, i.e. military abduction. This was relatively usual in the USA. Turner had written a book Taken, in which he interviewed eight women that had gone through MILABs. Dr. Turner had examined also other cases, and in fact several abduction victims were in her family.
Space aliens are generally perceived as positive beings in modern ufology. Many people have embraced New Age-type concepts in relation to UFOs. My experience contradicts with these views. I noticed that many people at Lautsia UFO seminar here in Finland didn’t accept my lecture. For me personally, abduction and contact with the space aliens is nevertheless true, and therefore it is easy for me to talk about it.
Now, in February 2009, I have distanced myself of the events. In fact, I have, in Finland, met many who have had similar experiences. I am sure that the truth about UFOs, and the phenomena behind it is liberating and joyous. On the other hand, there are real evil forces behind the alien agendas, at least for the time being. This evil is something that I have had problems to comprehend. The forces of evil use big power on mankind on a way of mind control on a massive scale.
During four years I have paddled through all theories I could find on UFOs and extraterrestrials. Maybe in recent years all the most remarkable ufoauthorities have concluded that UFOs exist, and they are guided by intelligent entities.
For me, who have met extraterrestrials, this is the plain truth. I have been from the beginning skeptical to notion that humanoids necessarily come from other civilizations. There are rumors and disinformation concerning this. Since I have met grays, who have at least been somewhere in the past humans, I take this as a premise.
To me, the logical problems concerning visitations from other civilizations are insuperable. There is something in this that does not rime. I have found evidence that the “aliens” are not aliens, but a part of humanity; have always been, in a metaphysical way. My thesis is, that “alien” existence is connected to human existence. They are probably so called Archons.
The aliens I did meet introduced themselves to me as ”the people of the illuminati”. Illuminism means guidance from afterlife entities during our earthly journey. “Naturally” guidance is targeted to few chosen ones based on unknown criteria. Illuminated ones tend to form own cliques and classes, the elite.
In my view, experience and studies, I am convinced, that illuminism is behind this psychotic world of ours. Modern scientific view of the world claims, that humanity is an exception among animals. And a part of our animal-like psyche is evil, as a way things are. And there is nothing we can do to change this.
But, this isn´t the truth. It´s a lie. Illuminism uses also science (and religions too) to distort and erase inner self of man, which is the truth. Scientific truths will change to deception, with time. This is what we can learn from the history.
I am not sure, or know for certain of Gnostic views. Are they true? I don´t know. I suspect so. Inner voice and intuition tell me so. I don´t worship Gods. I don´t have Dogmas. I think that religions are tools used by them, who want to rule us. This too, we can learn from the history.
Next I will tell you more about Sethian Gnosticism, and its concepts and views, as John Lamb Lash has told them to me.
The word Archon is Greek, meaning intercessor or creature in Gnostic mythos. The concept describes a particular kind of cosmic beings. Stocks word also means the first, or just in the beginning. To Gnostics the concept of Archons meant temporary interdimentional leadership of humanity as rulers.
Gnosticism assumes that the Archons appeared before the solar system emerged. They were created by a divine being, Sofia. Sofia, the divine wisdom or was part of God, in a loose manner. Mythos tells that Sofia created first Jaldabaoth, which in turn created the other Archons. Jaldabaoth is described as a lion faced sex serpent. Sofia noted beings created to be evil, and cried bitterly for forgiveness from God.
Gnosticism describes Archons as inorganic beings who inhabit the solar system, but not the earth. They neither sleep nor nourish themselves.
The Nag Hammâdi material deals man-archon contacts as extraterrestrial alien encounters. Of the material, approximately 20% of deals with this issue. Coptic texts describe Archons as external, psychic intruders at the level of awareness.
They do not want, or cannot invade the Earth itself. Archons target is to corrupt human minds on interdimentional ways. The use of power is total, in the level of individual minds, on psychological and collective basis.
Similarities to gray aliens, today's abduction phenomenon and to the ufolore are obvious. Coptic texts explain, in my view, quite exhaustively the metaphysical purpose of the grays. The texts deserve to be taken seriously.
Gnostics reacted to Archons with the greatest seriousness, and warned of these entities. They thought Archons were a risk to humanity, because people are led astray from a correct life. Archons are perverse creatures, and distort us in two ways:
They are wrong information producers to the human collective mind. In addition, they seek to mimic reality by creating simulations or imitations of reality structures. This is known as HAL or impersonation. These activities are related to the use of power.
It is a question of submission to humanity. Also one of the objectives of Archons is to get attached to people as mind parasites. Their existence may get their purpose on this activity. Archons must be covered as demonic or satanic powers from the human point of view.
Ancient Gnostics had behind thousands of years of meditation, and shamanic traditions. Gnostics were parapsychologists, who were able to experience parallel universes, and to explore other worlds, as well as to go back in time at the level of awareness. With these skills, they became aware of Archons, and their negative activities.
The Gnostic Mythos tells, that Archons wanted to arise as human beings, but were not able to. Thus their goal is to invade the human psyche in a collective manner, and live inside the human mind. Archontic life means to humanity to become robotized, mechanical and zombie-like. Pretty much what modern life nowadays is, eh?
The human culture and history in particular, can be perceived as Archontic dreams. Mankind's history can be perceived as a simulation by the external forces. This frees man himself from the responsibility of histories wrongs and crimes. This would have originally come from the Archons, who collectively mind controlled peoples through the history’s events. And forced people to believe, that the evil originated from man.
Society's institutions are Archon-created, and maintained by them. Human beings live in a Matrix movie-like world. Networks and distorted Archontic culture are brought from outside. This is also called civilization. Civilization and education can be seen to be incompatible with the truth, or truthfulness. The same can be said of science, which is an Archontic structure. Science is in reality a reductive, mechanistic way to see the world. Science is used to subject man into mental slavery. History proves this.
However, the real human nature is living in harmony with the nature. This does not involve evil, that we call things. Natural life form is not related to materialistic things, such as money, power, or sexualization of interpersonal relations.
In fact, materialism is evil, which has estranged us from our true self. To put it simply, it is narcissism and hedonism. It is self deception. True self has been lost after millennia of Archontic agendas, in many people.
Gnostic texts tell, that the main motive of the Archons is jealousy. Archons namely noticed as soon as people emerged, that our essence is higher than theirs. For them, we live in paradise, and they are forever beyond.
Archon goal with humanity can be seen to change paradise into hell using fear and oppression as tools. This has been going on for thousands of years.
Another motive is that they are absurd and senseless. The human mind probably has difficulties to understand such irrational nonsense. Archon plan is to break and disrupt human life from the cradle to the grave. Fear and confusion nourishes them. Archons are also natural tricksters. They are attracted to play and test our minds. And to put it more bluntly, to fuck with it.
Gnostic John Lash speculates that the cosmic significance of the Archons is to ensure deleting that part of human souls, which cannot take care of their own consciousnesses. I personally don´t believe on this. Lash says, that Gnostic writings tell about the soul’s divine spark, NOUS, which God has given to man as a distinct from the Archons. The concept of NOUS is important in trying to understand what we are, and where do we come from. Answer to is that, we come from the heavenly father, or the Creator. Our true essence is a part of him.
Thus a human can be seen as an evidence of the existence of God.
Reading: John L. Lash: Not In His Image
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