Symbology of the Archons in Gnosticism. In Picture Jaldabaoth, the main Archon, caller too Sakla and Samael, or blind and crazy. The eight stands for eternity. Black sun illumination on the dark side, and interdimentionality. Lions head beastly nature, so as snake’s body. This picture represents evil.
Everything is a lie in that picture. The sun is darkness. And the providence leads astray, is deceptive and lies. The lion is of cowardness and hate. The snake is not wisdom but madness. The black is not black, but false light. Eight does not stand for eternity but, mortality. This is the true face of black illumination.
Men do not need illumination, they ... they need perception, eyes to see. We are blinded by Archons, who whisper sweet lies to our ears.
We mortal humans, who fear and mourn death, are eternal. The "grays", Archons, which are eternal, are mortal. They mock higher heavens, mock the heavenly father. Distort the truth with redeemer complexes. Are the enemies of the soul, which they don´t posess.
Archons are distorted semi-souls, which are a lower form of spiritual existence to man. They came before man came, and are interdimentional, which is the true nature of man too. Interdimentionality means being outside the space-time continuum. We falsely think there is only this reality. Archons made us to believe, that humans are animals, without eternal soul.
We the humans are divine, and come from the true and only God, our heavenly father. The Archons have distorted us with their rule called culture. Soon the time will come, when the Archons will be destroyed. Soon shall we see how the things really were in the world.
False paradigms and lies are the way, which we have been governed through the times. Thinking people or things good or bad, black or white, happy and unhappy, and so dividing the truth. All the ideas of this, and our religions, ideologies, ways of thinking, politics and much more are used to rule us. To bind us to invisible mental slavery, which is inside our unconsciousness’. Binding us to slavery.
All you are taught true is not. All is a lie, but unconditional love and the truth.
I have met “gray aliens” and confronted them. I have seen the way they think and feel. I am afraid they are not good, but evil. They think they have the power to rule us. They hate and despise human soul. They desperately want to change us to mechanical slaves. To bind us to their perverse, Archontic dreams.
We are ruled by secrecy, unknown of our slavery. We have lost the divinity, but only for a moment. We escaped to material lies and temptations of the Archons´. But there will be no judgment of men, only the Archons.
This is the Gnostic way to comprehend “gray aliens”. And the alien agenda, which is tied to military-industrial complex at its hips. And to modern day satanism.
Chemtrails and orbs are manmade but Archon inspired. This disease on our planet is meant to separate our souls from the Creator. There is no light and there is no tunnel. Souls are backed up waiting to be set free.
VastaaPoistaExcellent text, Mr. Usko.
VastaaPoistaNow try to take all you wrote to a more "human" and spiritual context, and see WHAT the Lion-Serpent Samael and the Heavenly Father are *IN US*. For a start, please compare your image of the Lion-Serpent (the Demiurge) with this one:
Also, the Bible (Deuteronomy 4:24) says that "Our God [that is, the Demiurge] is a consuming fire", while practically all sources call the Kundalini the "consuming fire of love" [the false love of the Demiurge].
Then, after you understand this, please check what Gurdjieff told about the Kundalini / Kundabuffer.
And then... I hope you'll be able to find some hidden pieces of information and connect them, and ultimately find Gnosis in what you found.
Just remember one point:
Have you ever read "The Invisibles"?
VastaaPoistaRequired reading on planet earth. It gives an entirely different angle on the Archon/matrix matter, but with a resolution that is almost scarily obvious: